- February 14, 2024 Jennifer Hunt, WalletHub: "States Where Employers Are Struggling the Most in Hiring"
- August 18, 2023 Eugene White, Marketplace: "High Mortgage Rates Recall an Era of... High Mortgage Rates"
- June 16, 2023 Jennifer Hunt, WalletHub: "Changes in Unemployment Rate by State"
- January 19, 2023 Jennifer Hunt, WalletHub: "States Where Unemployment Claims Are Decreasing the Most"
- September 13, 2022 Jacob Bastian, The New York Times: "Pandemic Aid Cut U.S. Poverty to New Low in 2021, Census Bureau Reports"
- August 15, 2022 Jacob Bastian, National Tax Association: "NTA Member Spotlight"
- July 20, 2022 Jennifer Hunt, WalletHub: "States With the Highest Job Resignation Rates"
- December 6, 2021 Bruce Mizrach, Financial Times: "Stablecoin risks spur case for central bank digital currency"
- August 16, 2021 Bruce Mizrach interviewed for The Verge: "The Tether Controversy, Explained"
- May 4, 2021 Amanda Agan, Jennifer Doleac, and Anna Harvey, Time: "A New Study Reveals that Not Prosecuting People for Nonviolent Misdemeanors May Actually Reduce Crime"
- April 6, 2021 Amanda Agan, Jennifer Doleac, and Anna Harvey, Washington Post: "Prosecuting low-level crimes makes us less safe"
- February 3, 2021 Michael D. Bordo and Mickey D. Levy, Wall Street Journal: "The Short March Back to Inflation"
- June 21, 2020 Rockoff, Hugh and Mark Wilson,“After Those Cruel Wars Were Over: Lessons from Two Economic Recoveries.” History News Network.
- April 16, 2020 Hugh Rockoff, Wall Street Journal: “Shoes to Masks: Corporate Innovation Flourishes in Coronavirus Fight: From face shields to vaccines, ingenuity is emerging from surprising corners of the private sector” By Gregg Ip,
- April 10, 2020 Mizrach, Bruce and Chris Neely, The Stock Market's Wild Ride Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Synopses, No. 15.
- April 13, 2020 Mizrach, Bruce and Chris Neely, Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility Supports Main Street Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Synopses, No. 17.
- April 15, 2020 Mizrach, Bruce and Chris Neely, Fed Intervention in the To-Be-Announced Market for Mortgage-Backed Securities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Synopses, No. 19.
- April 16, 2020 Mizrach, Bruce and Chris Neely, Supporting Small Borrowers: ABS Markets and the TALF, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Synopses, No. 20.
- November 25, 2019 Michael Bordo's op-ed in the Globe, "Requiring the Bank of Canada to follow a financial stability mandate is a bad idea".
- September 7, 2019 Michael Bordo interviewed in Market Watch "Why the coming recession could force the Federal Reserve to swap greenbacks for digital dollars"..
- August 1, 2019 Eugene White was interviewed in Bloomberg, "When it was commissioned in the 1870's, the Renaissance-style".
- April 2, 2019, Joe Hughes' new research paper, Consumer Lending Efficiency: Commercial Banks Versus a Fintech Lender, featured on "TheStreet."
- March 13, 2019 Michael Bordo in the Financial Times, "How to diagnose your own Dutch disease".
- January 15, 2019 Hugh Rockoff's research featured in Bloomberg, "Federal Economic Data Gets Furloughed by the Shutdown".
- Michael Bordo was interviewed for the television series "Speak Up". The topic was the Federal Reserve. The series airs on Community Channel 1 of the Manhattan Neighborhood Network on January 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2019. To watch, click here. Look for Community Channel One. You will see Community both on the upper left column and on a right hand column in the middle of the right side. Click on WATCH.
- On the 100th Anniversary of World War I, Professor Hugh Rockoff, a leading specialist on the economics of war, has new essay in an eBook, The Economics of the Great War. (https://voxeu.org/article/new-ebook-economics-great-war-centennial-perspective). Rockoff is author of America's Economic Way of War (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
- September 18, 2018 Amanda Agan cited on CNBC, "Why companies are turning to ex-cons to fill slots for workers"
- December 3, 2017 Michael Bordo mentioned in
The Wall Street Journal
(451 KB)
article, "Digital-currency Fever May Spread to Federal Reserve".
- November 2017 Roberto Chang's presentation at the Central Bank of Chile Annual Conference.
- May 20, 2017 Amanda Agan's research discussed in The Economist.
- March 7, 2017 Amanda Agan's research featured in the Sacramento Bee
- March 6, 2017 Rosanne Altshuler quoted on Yahoo Finance
- March 1, 2017 Anne Piehl's research featured in The Atlantic
- February 26, 2017 Jennifer Hunt's research quoted in Newsweek
- February 7, 2017 Jennifer Hunt quoted in Public Radio International story, "What immigration does for innovation"
- January 27, 2017 Anne Piehl quoted on CBS News
- January 17, 2017 Thomas Prusa quoted on WNYC story on Wilbur Ross
- September 23, 2016 Hugh Rockoff's NBER working paper, "The U.S. Economy in WWII as a Model for Coping with Climate Change" was discussed on Bloomberg View.
- September 12, 2016 Michael Bordo on Macro Musings Podcast.
- August 29, 2016 "Macro Musings Podcast" with David Beckworth interviewing Hugh Rockoff about optimal currency areas.
- August 19, 2016 Amanda Agan's working paper was mentioned in the New York Times in The Upshot, "Ban the Box? An Effort to Stop Discrimination May Actually Increase It".
- July 19, 2016 - New assistant professor, Amanda Agan, was interviewed on NPR's Morning Edition about her research on "ban the box" laws that prohibit asking job applicants about their criminal histories. Do such laws improve the employment prospects of applicants who would otherwise be required to check "yes" and explain?
- A Wall Street Journal article published on June 22, 2016, Small-Business Lending Doesn’t Suffer as Community Banks Grow, focused on research by Joe Hughes and coauthors Julapa Jagtiani (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) and Loretta Mester (Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelanad) that examined the financial performance of community banks and their small business lending. The paper is available at SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2798539.
- May 19, 2016 - Rosanne Altshuler's research featured in Christian Science Monitor article, "How a new picture of corporate shareholders may turn the tax debate upside down." Link to paper here.
- May 13, 2016 - A paper by Rutgers Joe Hughes and his coauthor, Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester, "The Future of Large Globally Active Banks: Does Scale Define the Winners?" was cited in blog post by Ben Bernanke on "Ending 'to big to fail:' What is the Right Approach?" Check footnote 3 at http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/ben-bernanke/posts/2016/05/13-too-big-to-fail. The paper can be found directly at https://www.clevelandfed.org/our-research/president/lm003-the-future-of-large-internationally-active-banks.aspx
- April 2016 - The Swedish newspaper, Dagnens Nyheter, asked Professor Jenny Hunt for insights into the consequences of large numbers of asylum seekers in Sweden and how to help their integration into Swedish society. Professor Hunt observes that the origin country is an important determinant of how well refugees integrate economically and that measures such as early language instruction and early access to the labor market help integration. Read her interview (in Swedish).
- April 8, 2016. Anne Piehl's research on immigration and crime featured in article in the Huffington Post
- April 5, 2016 - The Minneapolis Star Tribune and Evenflow Macro reported on Joe Hughes discussion of economies of scale in banking as a panelist at the Ending Too Big To Fail Symposium at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis on April 4. Listen to his speech.
- February 18, 2016 - SNL Financial interviewed Joe Hughes about the proposal of Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari to break up large banks. Hughes' research with Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester finds large economies of scale at the biggest banks, which implies break-up works against market forces--creating incentives to neutralize break-up and possibly new sources of systemic risk.
- January 21, 2016 Rosanne Altshuler blogs on CNBC on how tax reform can get done in 2016
- January 2016 Jennifer Hunt was featured in WalletHub’s article about 2016’s best & worst cities to find a job.
- January 11, 2016 A study on international tax systems by Rosanne Altshuler and co-authors cited in the New Yorker article, "Why Firms Are Fleeing".
- December 2015 Todd Keister's work on excess bank reserves made Quartz's list of "The eye-opening things that made us smarter in 2015". See the entry on the list by Quartz journalist Heather Landy. Quartz is a digital news outlet covering the global economy.
- December 18, 2015 Research by Peter Basile, John Landon-Lane, Hugh Rockoff, and Sung Won Kang predicting turning points in business cycles cited in Bloomberg View.
- December 16, 2015 Michael Bordo quoted in Wall Street Journal article on Federal Reserve Board possible decision to raise interest rates.
- December 1, 2015 Michael Bordo quoted in New York Times article on gold standard and the presidential campaign.
- November 12, 2015 Michael Bordo quoted in the Wall Street Journal on how the gold standard left a country's financial system at the mercy of events beyond its control -- in an article, "What Republicans Get Wrong About the Gold Standard."
- November 2, 2015 Rosanne Altshuler's TaxVox blog post on tax reform picked up by Christian Science Monitor.
- September 29, 2015, Rosanne Altshuler quoted in NJ.com in article, "Would Trump's tax plan help or hurt the U.S.? And who would benefit most?"
- September 16, 2015 Todd Keister quoted in Bloomberg news story "QE's Cost: Fed Exit May Hit Economy Faster Than in Past Cycles".
- July 19, 2015 Thomas Prusa's research quoted in The Fiscal Times, "The incredible disappearing American-Made car".
- July 7, 2015 Anne Piehl's research quoted in the Chicago Tribute article, "An undocumented immigrant and a killing".
- July 7, 2015 Michael Bordo quoted in Deutsche Welle, "Why Greece won't trigger a global crisis".
- June 30, 2015 Hugh Rockoff's research quoted in The Atlantic, "What is the European Union, Exactly".
- June 22, 2015 Rosanne Altshuler's research quoted in Forbes, "The U.S. is right to worry about the OECD's BEPS project".
- May 22, 2015 Thomas Prusa's research quoted by ConsumerReports.org, "What makes a car 'American'?".
- May 12, 2015 Mark Killingsworth is prominently cited in the New York Times Op Ed page, "At Rutger's, It's Books vs Ballgames".
- April 18, 2015 Anne Piehl quoted in the Boston Globe, "Offering ex-convicts a hand up after prison".
- March 28, 2015 Bruce Mizrach cited in The Economist about a news story on "Towers of Babel: Is there such a thing about a skyscraper curse? ".
- March 4, 2015 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in Bloomberg news story on "U.S. Companies Are Stashing stashing$2.1 Trillion Overseas To Avoid Taxes"Taxes".
- December 6, 2014 Michael D. Bordo quoted in the New York Times, "The Golden Age".
- November 28, 2014 Jeffrey Rubin quoted in NorthJersey.com, "Less cash in the tank, more in the bank: Lower gas prices boost N.J. drivers' bottom line".
- November 1, 2014 Michael D. Bordo in Investor's Business Daily, "Sorry, But Obama's Incompetence, Not Financial Crisis, Is Reason For Poor Recovery".
- October 31, 2014 Michael D.Bordo on NPR, "Why Deflation Is Such A Big Worry For Europe".
- October 23, 2014 Michael D. Bordo quoted in The Economist, "The Dangers of Deflation, The pendulum swings to the pit".
- October 4, 2014 Hugh Rockoff's op-ed "Americans learned the wrong lessons from World War I" appeared on the VoxEU website. http://www.voxeu.org/article/us-learned-wrong-lessons-wwi. VoxEU.org is a policy portal set up by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (www.CEPR.org)
- August 29, 2014 Hugh Rockoff cited in a story about the economic impact of World War I on the BBC.
- July 22, 2014 You tube video of Michael Bordo's interview at the CIDE in Mexico.
- July 16, 2014 At a hearing of the U. S. Senate Committee on Banking on the question, "What Makes a Bank Systemically Important?" a study by Joseph P. Hughes and Loretta J. Mester (President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland), "Who Said Large Banks Don't Experience Scale Economies? Evidence from a Risk-Return-Driven Cost Function" (Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2013), was cited by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in comments on a speech by Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer and by Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) as well as in testimony by Prof. Richard Herring of the Wharton School.
- July 10, 2014 Joseph Hughes with Loretta Mester paper, "Who Said Large Banks Don't Experience Scale Economies? Evidence from a Risk-Return Driven Cost Function" cited by Stanley Fischer, Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board at the Martin Feldstein Lecture, NBER, Cambridge, MA.
- June 26, 2014 Michael Bordo mentioned in the Wall Street Journal article "The Fed Needs to Return to Monetary Rules".
- June 5, 2014, Michael Bordo interviewed at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta on the Federal Reserve system as a lender of last resort.
- May 2014 - Hugh Rockoff and Michael Bordo quoted in the Richmond Federal Reserve's Quarterly Economics magazine Econ Focus article "Why Was Canada Exempt from the Fiancial Crisis?".
- March 3, 2014 Michael Bordo quoted in Bloomberg Personal Finance on "Fed Lifts Veil Slowly on Bank Oversight in Era of Transparency".
- Feb 18, 2014 Research by Joseph Hughes is featured prominently in a recent Wall Street Journal article on Cleveland Federal Reserve President Loretta Mester.
- January 31, 2014 "Michael Bordo's new edited volume, "A Return to Jekyll Island" (with William Roberts) was reviewed in the Times Literary Supplement".
- January 13, 2014 Michael Bordo interview in Kein gutes Ende.
- January 7, 2014 Mark Killingsworth discusses jobless benefits on America Public Media's Marketplace.
- January 2, 2014 Michael Bordo in the Wall Street Journal, "The Economic Hokum of 'Secular Stagnation'".
- December 18, 2013 Michael Bordo mentioned in the Wall Street Journal article
" Meltdown Averted, Bernanke Struggled to Stoke Growth" by John Hilsenrath. - December 17, 2013 Michael Bordo one of five distinguished economists worldwide to contribute an article to the Wall Street Journal on Federal Reserve Chairmen Ben Bernanke's legacy.
- November 2013 A new paper by former graduate student Costanza Biavaschi (currently at the Institute for the Study of Labor) on the economic benefits of immigrants "Americanizing" their names are featured on the Freakonomics blog and on the website of the Institute for the Study of Labor.
- November 14, 2013Eugene white quoted in Forbes at opening of Federal Reserve Bank's Centennial exhibit at the Museum of American Finance
- November 10, 2013 Doctoral student Geoff Clarke's work on "The Disappearing Gay Wage Penalty" (forthcoming in Economics Letters) was cited in the Boston Globe.
- October 28, 2013 Michael D. Bordo and John Landon-Lane's recent reserach on monetary policy and asset market bubbles is cited in the Wall Street Journal blog.
- October 16, 2013 Michael D. Bordo discusses The European Crisis on VOX.
- October 10, 2013 Eugene White quoted in Bloomberg News story on U.S. risk of default.
- On September 25, 2013 Eugene White spoke at the opening of the Fed@100 exhibit at The Museum of American Finance (located at 48 Wall Street, NYC). He served as an outside academic curator for the exhibit, which is part of the observation of the Federal Reserve System's centennial year. The other speakers were David Cowen, President of the Museum and William Dudley, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
- August 17, 2013 Anne Piehl's research cited in The Economist.
- July 22, 2013 Rosanne Atlshuler's Senate Finance Testimony cited on CNN Money.
- July 6, 2013 Michael Bordo's recent research on A trio of trilemmas -The gold standard holds worrying lessons for the single currency.
- June 22, 2013 Rosanne Altshuler's recent research on taxing U.S. multinational corporations is cited in the Economist.
- June 21, 2013 Eugene White interviewed on American Public Media's Marketplace.
- May 31, 2013 Rosanne Altshuler's research cited in the New York Time's blog, Economix.
- May 30, 2013 Rosanne Altshuler publishes op-ed in New York Time's "Room for Debate".
- May 29, 2013 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in the NY Times article, "The Trouble With Taxing Corporations".
- May 2013 Econ Journal Watch presents a discussion with Hugh Rockoff on the findings of economic historians with regard to periods during which banks were lightly regulated.
- May 24, 2013 Rosanne Altshuler's research on corporate income taxation cited in the National Review.
- May 10, 2013 Research by Jennifer Hunt on immigrants and patents cited in the Washington Post.
- May 7, 2013 Former graduate student Constanza Biavaschi quoted in the Wall Street Journal on immigration to Germany.
- May 3, 2013 Rosanne Altshuler's recent research on international tax policy, "Fixing the System: An Analysis of Alernative Proposals for the Reform of International Taxation", discussed in Christian Science Monitor article.
- May 2, 2013 Jennifer Hunt's research on the "Impact of Immigration on the Educational Outcomes of U.S. Natives" cited in the National Journal.
- April 29, 2013 Jennifer Hunt's research on the "Impact of Immigration on the Educational Outcomes of the U.S. Natives" discussed in New Republic.
- April 26, 2013 Hugh Rockoff was cited on the website of Bruegel, the Belgium economic think tank, on the possibility of a two-currency-Eurozone.
- April 25, 2013 Rosanne Altshuler's research with former graduate student Li Liu quoted in Forbes.
- April 22, 2013 Anne Piehl's research on gang-based detterence cited in Washington Post blog on ways to reduce crime without annoying the NRA.
- April 22, 2013 Eugene White's work with Aresty Research Scholar Gurpal Sran quoted in the Daily Targum.
- April 17, 2013 Jennifer Hunt's research on the "Impact of Immigration on the Educational Outcomes of the U.S. Natives" discussed in Washington Post blog.
- April 16, 2013 Michael D. Bordo mentioned in The Wall Street Journal article, "Seminal Economic Paper Draws Fire".
- March 2013 Professor Jennifer Hunt meets President Clinton at the 20th Anniversary of the Family Medical Leave Act
- April 4, 2013 Jennifer Hunt featured in the Daily Targum.
- March 28, 2013 Rosanne Altshuler among 17 senior tax policy makers and advisers interviewed by Bloomberg Government on corporate tax reform.
- March 27, 2013 Rutgers Economist Jennifer Hunt Gets High-Level Post with U.S. Labor Department
- March 25, 2013 Eugene White blogs on bank supervision on VOX (a noted blog featuring research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists).
- February 28, 2013 Rosanne Altshuler discusses "Hot Topic: Sequester, the Economy and Higher Education" in Rutgers Today.
- January 30, 2013 A paper by Rosanne Altshuler was referenced in the Financial Times article, "Corporate Tax Posturing Should Stop".
- January 23, 2013 Neil Sheflin's research discussed in The New York Times - Business Day "Share of the Work Force in a Union Falls to a 97-Year Low, 11.3%".
- January 11, 2013 Eugene N. White has been profiled and his research has been featured in the National Bureau of Economic Research’s NBER Reporter (2012, Number 4).
- November 2012, Todd Keister featured in "Faculty Advice Column" in Daily Targum.
- November 11, 2012 Michael Bordo research discussed in Negocios,"EEUU puede demorar solución al precipicio fiscal hasta segundo trimestre de 2013".
- October 28, 2012 Carl Lin (Ph.D. Rutgers, 2012) on U.S. visa policy quoted in Business Week article entitled, "Why More Immigration Not Less is Key to U.S. Economics Growth. Carl is currently an assistant professor at Beijing Normal University and a Research Fellow of IZA Bonn.
- October 24, 2012 Professor Michael Bordo's recent research discussed in Time Business & Money, "Are We Getting the Economic Recovery We Deserve?"
- October 23, 2012 Professor Michael Bordo's research discussed in Financial Times editorial, "A Slow convalescence under Obama".
- October 21, 2012 Michael Bordo discusses recent research in a Bloomberg news editorial.
- October 16, 2012 Economics faculty members advise students to pay attention to numbers in The Daily Targum.
- October 14, 2012 Michael Bordo's research discussed in Hoover Institution Youtube video.
- October 13, 2012 Michael Bordo quoted in The Economist, "Trade-offs.. Having your cake...Less inequality does not need to mean less efficiency".
- October 3, 2012 Michael Bordo on the John Batchlor Show.
- October 2, 2012 Eugene White and Hugh Rockoff participated in a panel discussion at the Museum of American Finance in New York on "The Financial Regulatory Tide, In or Out?"
- September 29, 2012 Hugh Rockoff quoted in Elsevier, No. 39, "Alles voor de euro", pg46-50.
- September 27, 2012 Michael Bordo quoted in the Wall Street Journal, "Michael Bordo: Financial Recessions Don't Lead to Weak Recoveries".
- August 20, 2012, Bruce Mizrach and Rutgers graduate student, Cheng Gao quoted in NJBiz, "From Knight into day Direct Edge: Tech controls may have prevented $440M disaster of its ex-owner".
- August 8, 2012, Michael Bordo quoted in the Washington Post, "Economists to Romney campaign: That’s not what our research says".
- July 28, 2012, Eugene White quoted in the Wall Street Journal, "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do".
- April 25, 2012, Jennifer Hunt on PBS Newshour.
- April 2, 2012, Eugene White discusses bank regulation in a podcast hosted by the Libary of Economics and Liberty on April 2, 2012.
- On March 31 a reception was held at the annual meetings of the Economic History Society at Oxford to launch Hugh Rockoff's new book, America's Economic Way of War: War and the American Economy from the Spanish-American War to the Persian Gulf War. This book, published by Cambridge University Press, appears in a series sponsored by the Society.
- March 28, 2012, Former graduate student Li Liu's dissertation research was discussed in The Independent on March 28, 2012.
- March 22, 2012, Jennifer Hunt quoted in Marketplace Freakonomics Radio,
"Closing the gender gap in patent filing". - March 2012, Michael D. Bordo quoted in the The Atlantic Magazine, "The Villain".
- March 17, 2012, Michael D. Bordo quoted in The Economist, "Body of evidence -Is a concentration of wealth at the top to blame for financial crises?".
- March 6, 2012, Michael D. Bordo quoted in The Atlantic Magazine, "No, Democrats: Income Inequality Didn't Cause the Financial Crisis".
- March 2, 2012, Michael D. Bordo interviewed in Region Focus - The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Fourth Quarter 2011. The entire interview can be viewed at: www.richmondfed.org/publications.
- February 11, 2012, Eugene White quoted in the Sunday New York Times, "Break Up the Banks? Here’s an Alternative".
- February 2, 2012, Rosanne Altshuler quoted on MSNBC.com, "Industries in limbo as Congress mulls expired tax breaks".
- January 31, 2012, Rosanne Altshuler quoted in The Hill, "Lawmakers debate temporary provisions, with eye on reform".
- January 30, 2012, Michael Bordo quoted in the Wall Street Journal - The Outlook,
"Bernanke's Imprint on Fed Not Easily Erased". - Winter 2012, Rosanne Altshuler interviewed in Rutgers Magazine.
- January 13, 2012 Michael Bordo interview on Wall Street Journal's Market Watch on Federal Reserve policy towards interest rates.
- December 22, 2011 Hugh Rockoff quoted in Yahoo Finance, "Did Our Founding Fathers Believe in Free Markets?".
- December 17, 2011 Michael Bordo of Rutgers University is quoted in the The Economist, "One nation overdrawn...Lessons for Europe from America's History".
- December 11, 2011 Co-authors Hugh Rockoff, Michael D. Bordo, and Angela Redish quoted in the Chicago Tribune in "What others are saying".
- December 3, 2011 Michael Bordo quoted in the Wall Street Journal, "How to Play the Rescue".
- November 29, 2011 Hugh Rockoff quoted in The Business News - Bloomberg Report, "ECB Yield Limits May Echo Fed's Playbook From 1940s: Euro Credit:"
- November 22, 2011 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in The New York Times, "News Analysis: For Deficit Panel, Failure Cuts Two Ways".
- October 20, 2011 Thomas Prusa interviewed on PBS nightly news regarding recent solar panel trade case with China. Story begins about 9:25
- October 18, 2011 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in The Hill, "GOP Looks at International Tax Revamp"
- September 18, 2011 Hugh Rockoff quoted in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, "Today's climate mimics the 1890's"
- September 6, 2011 Michael D. Bordo quoted in Reuters, "History points to fiscal solution to euro crisis".
- August 29, 2011 Michael D. Bordo quoted in The Washington Post, "Recovery could be one of the longest, most difficult in history, economists say".
- August 13, 2011 Louise Russell quoted in the Chicago Tribute, "Provention's Costs".
- August 10, 2011 Eugene White interviewed on NPR
- July 27, 2011 Professor and Chair Rosanne Altshuler testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on July 27 at a hearing on tax reform and consumption based tax-systems. You can read her testimony here.Professor Altshuler appears on the video of the hearing at around 2:30.
- July 14, 2011 Jeff Rubin interviewed on WCTC am radio regarding the National Debt.
Listen here - April 12, 2011 Rosanne Altshuler cited in The Huffington Post, "The Tax Man Cometh -- Just Not for Everybody".
- April 8, 2011 Rosanne Altshuler cited in New York Times blog, "The Logic of Cutting Corporate Taxes".
- April 7, 2011 Rosanne Altshuler in Rutgers Media, "Tax Time One of Life's Certainties".
- April 3, 2011 Rosanne Altshuler cited in Newsweek, "The Real GE Scandal".
- March 27, 2011 Paul Krugman comments in the New York Times on Michael D. Bordo and Eugene Whites' research on "Napoleonic War Finance".
- March 11, 2011 Michael D. Bordo quoted in the The Wall Street Journal, "Fed Critics Worry About Risks Inflation Will Break Out".
- February 2, 2011, Testimony of Rosanne Altshuler, Before the Senate Committee on the Budget Hearing on Tax Reform: A Necessary Component for Restoring Fiscal Responsibility. Video of Testimony.
- January 20, 2011, Roberto Chang, quoted in Times Magazine, "Will Rising Food Prices Kill the Recovery?".
- January 12, 2011, Tomas Sjöström, quoted in The Wall Street Journal, "Martial Democracies".
December 20, 2010, Rosanne Altshuler, quoted in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, "Key Panel Seeks to Revamp Charity Tax Breaks".
December 16, 2010, Hugh Rockoff mentioned in The Financial Times for his piece in The Journal of Political Economy, 1990, "The Wizard of Oz' as a Monetary Allegory".
December 14, 2010, Michael D. Bordo in PressEuro, "Deutschmark redux".
December 2, 2010, Rosanne Altshuler, quoted in CNNMoney.com, "Tax squabbling earns Congress failing grade".
December 1, 2010, Michael D. Bordo quoted in MSN Money, "Can Europe save the euro?".
November 14, 2010, Rosanne Altshuler article in The New York Times - Rooms For Debate, "Cut Mortgage Interest Deductions".
November 2010, Michael Bordo in Rutgers Today “Return to Jekyll Island: The Origins, History, and Future of the Federal Reserve,” a conference co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta with Rutgers, November 5-6, 2010.
November 8, 2010, article from The Financial Times, Jekyll Island Conference, "Policymakers Reap Benefit from 100 years of Fed Mistakes".
November 7, 2010, Michael Bordo quoted in The New York Times, "Friedman Casts Shadow as Economists Meet".
November 7, 2010 article from The Financial Times, Jekyll Island Conference,"Policymakers benefit from years of Fed mistakes".
November 5, 2010 article in The Financial Times, Jekyll Island Conference, "Doubts remain on hopes for growth".
November 5, 2010, Michael Bordo quoted in The Wall Street Journal, "Central Bank Treads Into Once-Taboo Realm".
October 15, 2010, Michael Bordo interviewed in Rutgers Today, Hot Topics, "Michael Bordo and the Federal Reserve System's Centennial".
September 21, 2010, Michael Bordo quoted in The New York Times, "Fed Stands Pat and Says It Is Still Ready to Buy Debt".
September 17, 2010, Michael Bordo in The Economist, "How Has The Crisis Changed The Teaching of Economics?".
2010 Rosanne Altshuler, director of the Tax Policy Center, discusses the U.S. deficit and potential revenue-generating solutions, in a video for The Wall Street Journal.
September 11, 2010, Rosanne Altshuler interviewed on CNN by Ali Velshi's Your Money.
September 10, 2010 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in The Economic Times, "Obama raises pitch against outsourcing".
July 13, 2010 Eugene White published an Op-Ed article "Dodd-Frank, Meet William Jennings Bryan" in the Wall Street Journal than compared the recent banking reform bill to previous reform efforts.
July 13, 2010 Dodd-Frank, Meet Williams Jennings Bryan, by Eugene N. White, Wall Street Journal.
July 2, 2010 Michael D. Bordo quoted in Newsweek, "Deflation Nation, What's so bad about falling prices?".
June 2010, Michael D. Bordo is a monthly contributor to The Economist, "Economics by Invitation" where a distinguished panet answers questions and discuss current economic events.
May 9, 2010 Michael D. Bordo discusses the Greek crisis in Business Week, Greek Contagion Myth Masks Real Europe Crisis: Caroline Baum.
April 15, 2010 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in Newsweek, "Today is the Best Tax Day of Your Life".
April 11, 2010 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in the Christian Science Monitor, "US tax bite smaller than other nations".
April 4, 2010 Rosanne Altshuler published an op-ed in the Washington Post entitled "Five Myths about Your Taxes".
April 2010 Michael D. Bordo interviewed by Ramesh Vaitilingam of VOXEU on Banking panics and banking reform.
March 2, 2010 Eugene White in Voxeu, "Is the New Deal in banking a guide for today".
March 2010 Hugh Rockoff with Leonard Caruana on the economic relationship between Spain and Germany in World War II was discussed on Spanish television. The program is on Youtube.
Go to Youtube and paste "Wolframio: el Oro negro nazi" into the search window.
March 1, 2010 Michael D. Bordo quoted in the New York Times, "Vice Chairman of Fed to Retire, Letting Obama Reshape Board".
- February 25, 2010 Michael D. Bordo and John Landon-Lane in the Financial Times,
"Lessons from the Fed's past for heading for an exit".
- February 11, 2010 Michael D. Bordo in The Economist, "The Gods Stike Back" .
- February 11, 2010 Eugene N. White on Fox Business Week, "Should You Buy Or Rent Your Home?".
- February 10, 2010 Eugene N. White quoted in the The Wall Street Journal, "The Poor Are Better Off Renting" Why have we encouraged people to put all their savings in one asset?
- January 25, 2010 Jeff Rubin quoted in The New York Times, "Insurer Steps Up Fight to Control Health Care Cost".
- January 23, 2010 Eugene White quoted in The Wall Street Journal, "Will New Rules Tame the Wall Street Tiger?".
- January 8, 2010, Louise Russell contributed a post, “Expensive Procedures Can Be Cost-Effective, Too,” to The Health Care Cost Monitor, a blog on health reform sponsored by The Hasting Center for bioethics.
- Louise Russell’s article, “Preventing Chronic Disease: An Important Investment, But Don’t Count on Cost Savings,” published in Health Affairs in January/February 2009 was ranked among the 20 “most read” articles published by the journal in 2009.
- January 2010, Louise Russell was interviewed for a Radio Health Journal segment aired the first week of February: “The Backlash Against Evidence-Based Medicine.” Audio
- January 3, 2010 Hugh Rockoff quoted in the New York Times, the Week in Review ,
p. 2, on the feasibility of issuing war bonds to finance the deficit.
- Louise Russell quoted in two December 28, 2009, articles in The Los Angeles Times,
“Healthcare: Prevention efforts can be costly” and “Some disease prevention measures can pay off” .
- December 16, 2009 Manoranjan Dutta quoted in examiner.com on Ben Bernanke, 'Times' 2009 Person of the Year.
- December 8, 2009 Louise Russell in Rutgers Today , talking on Health Care Reform.
- November 20, 2009 Louise Russell quoted in the NY Times today in a story about the new recommendations for breast cancer screening: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/20/health/20assess.html?_r=1.
- October 27, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in The New York Times, "A Drop in the Wrong Bucket".
- October 27, 2009 Lisa Scherzer reporter for SmartMoney.com, interviews Louise Russell, "Are You Missing Out on Those 'Wellness' Freebies?".
- October 25, 2009 Louise Russell in the Chicago Tribune, " Making Health Care About Health".
- October 25, 2009 Eugene White quoted in The Philadelphia Inquirer, "How to change too-big-to-fail ethic?".
- October 22, 2009 Louise Russell in Rutgers Today.
- October 13, 2009 J. Tomas Sjöström, Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics, Rutgers University was named the first James Cullen Chair in Economics, in Rutgers Media Relations.
- October 12, 2009 Louise Russell, The Health Care Cost Monitor titled “Prevention: Good News for Patients” . Louise discusses a provision in the Finance Committee health reform bill (‘the Baucus bill’) that just went to the floor of the Senate.
- October 9, 2009 Michael D. Bordo, AEI Discussion on Government Response to the Financial Crisis
- September 17, 2009 Thomas J. Prusa in The Economist, "The tyre wars, Playing with fire".
- September 9, 2009 Manoranjan Dutta, quoted in the Asbury Park Press, "How To Pay Off $12 Trillion Dollars" .
- September 2, 2009 Louise Russell is quoted in Trudy Lieberman, "The Op Ed Nobody Wanted: Canada's Corpse-Strewn Landscape?", The Columbia Journalism Review, http://www.cjr.org/campaign_desk/the_oped_no_one_wanted.php.
- August 23, 2009, Louise Russell interviewed by Reed Pence of Radio Health Journal .
- August 4, 2009 Thomas Prusa, The Wall Street Journal, Obama's Trade Test
- July 23, 2009 Human Resource Executive Online, “Many Wellness Programs Not Cost Effective,” by Paul Gallagher draws on his interview with Louise Russell.
- July 22, 2009 Louise Russell, Columbia Journalism Review onlineTrudy Lieberman, "Sen. Schumer, Meet Louise Russell: What's This About Preventative Care Saving Money?" http://www.cjr.org/campaign_desk/sen_schumer_meet_louise_russel.php.
- July 21, 2009 Eugene White, NJBiz "CIT confirms rescue from bondholders"
- July 1, 2009 Eugene White and Hugh Rockoff published in the Newark Star Ledger, "Uncle Sam Needs a Grand Plan for Financial Reform"
- June 2009 Eugene White, How Regulatory Reforms Will Affect Consumers
- June 21, 2009 Louise Russell, Telegraph Herald - Dubuque, IA,
Prevention a healthy plan for system reform?
- June 19, 2009 Louise Russell, NPR Radio, "Your Health: The Cost of Prevention"
- June 17, 2009, Louise Russell, “Prevention Will Reduce Medical Costs: A Persistent Myth, ” The Health Care Cost Monitor, available at http://www.thehastingscenter.org/HealthCareCostMonitor/.
- June 16, 2009 Louise Russell, Columbia Journalism Review, “Excluded Voices” series.
- June 12, 2009 Louise Russell, The Wall Street Journal, "Prevention Efforts Provide No Panacea on Health Costs,"
- May 2009 Featured Article, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, "Bribery and Favoritism by Auctioneers in Sealed-Bid Auctions," by Roberto Burguet (Institute for Economic Analysis CSIC) and Martin K. Perry (Rutgers University)
- May 12, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in The Wall Street Journal, White House Unveils Tax-Rate Details
- May 6, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Business groups gear up to fight Obama tax crackdown
- May 6, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler BusinessWeek, Eye on Asia blog, Obama vs. Outsourcing
- May 6, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler CNNMoney.com, Will Obama tax plan really save jobs?
- May 5, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in Reuters,
Business criticizes Obama's tax plan
- May 5, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in The Washington Post,
Obama Targets Overseas Tax Dodge Plan Would Crack Down On Individuals,
Firms With Money Abroad
- May 4, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in Christian Science Monitor,
Obama targets tax havens, and corporate America shudders. The plan to crack down on individuals who hide cash in foreign accounts has broad support. But eliminating tax havens for American companies could put them at a disadvantage internationally, experts say.
- May 4, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler CQ TODAY
Battle Begins as Tax Plans Issued
- April 8, 2009 Professors Eugene White and Jeffrey Rubin in The Daily Targum: "How is Obama's New Deal Shaping Up"
- March 26, 2009 Barry Sopher in Rutgers Focus: A family donates an economics laboratory in memory of their son
- March 25, 2009 Tax Policy Expert Rosanne Altshuler critiques the President's priorities on NPR radio
- March 19, 2009 Eugene White - Testimony before the Congresssional Oversight Panel for TARP
- March 18, 2009 Eugene White speaking on BBC Radio program Daily Business (mp3)
- March 2009 Rosanne Altshuler commenting on MSNBC on the Obama Tax Plan and Small Business
- March 17, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in the Kansas City Star: "Treasury Department will dock AIG for executive bonuses"
- March 16, 2009 Eugene White Congressional Oversight Panel Hearings , “Learning from the Past—Lessons from the Banking Crises of the 20th Century” (pdf file of Testimony)
- March 10, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler, quoted in the Boston Globe: "Obama a socialist? Not quite"
- March 8, 2009 Barry Sopher's research mentioned in The Independent (UK)
- March 5, 2009 Neil Sheflin, University affiliates weigh in on stimulus package, economy, The Daily Targum
- March 3, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler, quoted in Business Week: "India: Worries Grow About Obama Outsourcing Policies"
- March 3, 2009 Eugene White on NPR's Marketplace: Has the market bottomed out yet? http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2009/03/03/pm_markets/
February 27, 2009, Rosanne Altshuler, “Can Small Biz Owners Dodge New Tax,”
NPR Marketplace Morning Report
February 26, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler, “A Tale of Two Families”, ABC Nightly News http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=6968639
February 5, 2009 Eugene White speaking on the Financial Crisis in Lysebu, Norway
October 30, 2008 Eugene White on 'PBS' Newshour
October 28, 2008 Jeff Rubin comments on Health Care Reform
October 27, 2008 Policy Forum 2008
October 21, 2008 Michael D. Bordo, The Fund must be a global asset manager
October 11, 2008 Eugene White comments on Financial Markets
October 3, 2008 Michael Bordo - Depression offers lessons for financial crisis
September 30, 2008 Eugene White comments on Unknown terrain for economy
September 26, 2008 Michael Bordo quoted in the Wall Street Journal
September 1, 2008 Jeff Rubin discusses personal seat licenses at stadiums