- Louise Russell quoted in two December 28, 2009, articles in The Los Angeles Times,
“Healthcare: Prevention efforts can be costly” and “Some disease prevention measures can pay off” .
- December 16, 2009 Manoranjan Dutta quoted in examiner.com on Ben Bernanke, 'Times' 2009 Person of the Year.
- December 8, 2009 Louise Russell in Rutgers Today , talking on Health Care Reform.
- November 20, 2009 Louise Russell quoted in the NY Times today in a story about the new recommendations for breast cancer screening: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/20/health/20assess.html?_r=1.
- October 27, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in The New York Times, "A Drop in the Wrong Bucket".
- October 27, 2009 Lisa Scherzer reporter for SmartMoney.com, interviews Louise Russell, "Are You Missing Out on Those 'Wellness' Freebies?".
- October 25, 2009 Louise Russell in the Chicago Tribune, " Making Health Care About Health".
- October 25, 2009 Eugene White quoted in The Philadelphia Inquirer, "How to change too-big-to-fail ethic?".
- October 22, 2009 Louise Russell in Rutgers Today.
- October 13, 2009 J. Tomas Sjöström, Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics, Rutgers University was named the first James Cullen Chair in Economics, in Rutgers Media Relations.
- October 12, 2009 Louise Russell, The Health Care Cost Monitor titled “Prevention: Good News for Patients” . Louise discusses a provision in the Finance Committee health reform bill (‘the Baucus bill’) that just went to the floor of the Senate.
- October 9, 2009 Michael D. Bordo, AEI Discussion on Government Response to the Financial Crisis
- September 17, 2009 Thomas J. Prusa in The Economist, "The tyre wars, Playing with fire".
- September 9, 2009 Manoranjan Dutta, quoted in the Asbury Park Press, "How To Pay Off $12 Trillion Dollars" .
- September 2, 2009 Louise Russell is quoted in Trudy Lieberman, "The Op Ed Nobody Wanted: Canada's Corpse-Strewn Landscape?", The Columbia Journalism Review, http://www.cjr.org/campaign_desk/the_oped_no_one_wanted.php.
- August 23, 2009, Louise Russell interviewed by Reed Pence of Radio Health Journal .
- August 4, 2009 Thomas Prusa, The Wall Street Journal, Obama's Trade Test
- July 23, 2009 Human Resource Executive Online, “Many Wellness Programs Not Cost Effective,” by Paul Gallagher draws on his interview with Louise Russell.
- July 22, 2009 Louise Russell, Columbia Journalism Review onlineTrudy Lieberman, "Sen. Schumer, Meet Louise Russell: What's This About Preventative Care Saving Money?" http://www.cjr.org/campaign_desk/sen_schumer_meet_louise_russel.php.
- July 21, 2009 Eugene White, NJBiz "CIT confirms rescue from bondholders"
- July 1, 2009 Eugene White and Hugh Rockoff published in the Newark Star Ledger, "Uncle Sam Needs a Grand Plan for Financial Reform"
- June 2009 Eugene White, How Regulatory Reforms Will Affect Consumers
- June 21, 2009 Louise Russell, Telegraph Herald - Dubuque, IA,
Prevention a healthy plan for system reform?
- June 19, 2009 Louise Russell, NPR Radio, "Your Health: The Cost of Prevention"
- June 17, 2009, Louise Russell, “Prevention Will Reduce Medical Costs: A Persistent Myth, ” The Health Care Cost Monitor, available at http://www.thehastingscenter.org/HealthCareCostMonitor/.
- June 16, 2009 Louise Russell, Columbia Journalism Review, “Excluded Voices” series.
- June 12, 2009 Louise Russell, The Wall Street Journal, "Prevention Efforts Provide No Panacea on Health Costs,"
- May 2009 Featured Article, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, "Bribery and Favoritism by Auctioneers in Sealed-Bid Auctions," by Roberto Burguet (Institute for Economic Analysis CSIC) and Martin K. Perry (Rutgers University)
- May 12, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in The Wall Street Journal, White House Unveils Tax-Rate Details
- May 6, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Business groups gear up to fight Obama tax crackdown
- May 6, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler BusinessWeek, Eye on Asia blog, Obama vs. Outsourcing
- May 6, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler CNNMoney.com, Will Obama tax plan really save jobs?
- May 5, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in Reuters,
Business criticizes Obama's tax plan
- May 5, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in The Washington Post,
Obama Targets Overseas Tax Dodge Plan Would Crack Down On Individuals,
Firms With Money Abroad
- May 4, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler in Christian Science Monitor,
Obama targets tax havens, and corporate America shudders. The plan to crack down on individuals who hide cash in foreign accounts has broad support. But eliminating tax havens for American companies could put them at a disadvantage internationally, experts say.
- May 4, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler CQ TODAY
Battle Begins as Tax Plans Issued
- April 8, 2009 Professors Eugene White and Jeffrey Rubin in The Daily Targum: "How is Obama's New Deal Shaping Up"
- March 26, 2009 Barry Sopher in Rutgers Focus: A family donates an economics laboratory in memory of their son
- March 25, 2009 Tax Policy Expert Rosanne Altshuler critiques the President's priorities on NPR radio
- March 19, 2009 Eugene White - Testimony before the Congresssional Oversight Panel for TARP
- March 18, 2009 Eugene White speaking on BBC Radio program Daily Business (mp3)
- March 2009 Rosanne Altshuler commenting on MSNBC on the Obama Tax Plan and Small Business
- March 17, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler quoted in the Kansas City Star: "Treasury Department will dock AIG for executive bonuses"
- March 16, 2009 Eugene White Congressional Oversight Panel Hearings , “Learning from the Past—Lessons from the Banking Crises of the 20th Century” (pdf file of Testimony)
- March 10, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler, quoted in the Boston Globe: "Obama a socialist? Not quite"
- March 8, 2009 Barry Sopher's research mentioned in The Independent (UK)
- March 5, 2009 Neil Sheflin, University affiliates weigh in on stimulus package, economy, The Daily Targum
- March 3, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler, quoted in Business Week: "India: Worries Grow About Obama Outsourcing Policies"
- March 3, 2009 Eugene White on NPR's Marketplace: Has the market bottomed out yet? http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2009/03/03/pm_markets/
February 27, 2009, Rosanne Altshuler, “Can Small Biz Owners Dodge New Tax,”
NPR Marketplace Morning Report
February 26, 2009 Rosanne Altshuler, “A Tale of Two Families”, ABC Nightly News http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=6968639
February 5, 2009 Eugene White speaking on the Financial Crisis in Lysebu, Norway