Klein, Roger
- Position: Professor of Economics
- Specialty: Econometrics, with a current focus on Estimating and Testing Semiparametric Models
- Location: New Jersey Hall 311
- Phone: 848-932-7543
- Email: klein@economics.rutgers.edu
- Click for Website
pdf Shen and Klein (2019) (264 KB)
Roger Klein is a Professor of Economics at Rutgers University. Prior to joining Rutgers, he was a member of the economics groups at Bellcore and Bell Labs. Professor Klein has written papers on developing estimators and tests for semiparametric models, the role of estimation risk in portfolio decisions, decision theory, and small-sigma asymptotics. He is currently an Associate Editor for Econometric Theory. Professor Klein received his Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University.
Selected Publications
- “"Recursive Differencing in Semiparametric Models," with Chan Shen, Econometric Theory, forthcoming 2023.
- “An IV Estimator for a Functional Coefficient Model with Endogenous Discrete Treatment", Econometric Reviews, 2021, 40:6.
- "Factors Associated with Hospital Decisions to Purchase Robotic Surgical Systems" (MDM-PP-19-046.R1 in MDM Policy & Practice, Chan Shen, Dian Gu, Roger Klein, et,. al..), February 2020. C. "Special issue"/symposiums/conference proceedings.
- “Estimation of Marginal Effects in Semiparametric Selection Models with Binary Outcomes,” with C. Shen and F. Vella, Journal of Econometrics, March 2015, (full proofs of Lemmas and Theorems available upon request).
- "Bias Corrections in Testing and Estimating Semiparametric, Single Index Models," with Chan Shen, Econometric Theory, December 2010.
- "Estimating a Class of Triangular Simultaneous Equations Models Without Exclusion Restrictions," with Frank Vella, Journal of Econometrics, Issue 154/2, February 2010.
- “Estimating the Return to Endogenous Schooling Decisions for Australian Workers via Conditional Second Moments,” with F. Vella, Journal of Human Resources,v. 44. #4, 1047-1065, Fall 2009.
- “A Semiparametric Model for Binary Response and Continuous Outcomes Under Index Heteroscedasticity,” with F. Vella, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Volume 24 Issue 5, 735 – 762, 2009.
- “Shift Restrictions and Semiparametric Estimation in Ordered Models,” with R. Sherman, Econometrica, 2002.
- “An Efficient Semiparametric Estimator for the Binary Response Model,” with R. Spady, Econometrica, 1993
McLean, Richard
- Position: Professor of Economics
- Specialty: Game Theory, Mathematical Economics
- Location: New Jersey Hall 106C
- Email: rpmclean@economics.rutgers.edu
Prusa, Thomas
- Position: Professor of Economics
- Specialty: International Trade, International Trade Policy
- Location: New Jersey Hall 309
- Phone: 848-932-8646
- Email: prusa@economics.rutgers.edu
- Click for Website
Thomas Prusa is Professor of Economics at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Prior to moving to Rutgers University he was a professor at State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York. He also is a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He received his PhD from Stanford University in 1988. He has published numerous articles in leading journals and books. He has received “best article of the year” by Economic Inquiry and Review of International Economics. He has lectured in conferences and seminars to the World Trade Organization, European Union, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the World Trade Institute, the CATO Institute, the American Enterprise Institute, United Nations Stanford University, Princeton University, New York University and many others. His research has been featured in The New York Times, The Economist, and Investor's Business Daily. He received the Rutgers University FAS Award for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Education in 2001. While at Stony Brook he was recognized for outstanding contributions to undergraduate education in 1993 and awarded mentor of the year in 1992. He has provided expert testimony before the U.S. International Trade Commission on many occasions.
Selected Publications
- Dumping and Antidumping Trade Protection (joint with Bruce Blonigen), 2019, Edward Elgar.
- "The Hazardous Effects of Antidumping," (joint with Tibor Besedes) Economic Inquiry. 55(1) 2017, 9-30. (Lead article).
- "Ask for the Moon, Settle for the Stars: What is a Reasonable Period to Comply with WTO Awards?" (joint with Petros C. Mavroidis. Niall Meagher, and Tatiana Yanguas) World Trade Review, (2017) 16:2, 395-425.
- "Are the Unfair Trade Laws Fair?", Harvard Economics Review, Fall 2016, 27-30.
- "Dumping and Antidumping Duties" (joint with Bruce Blonigen) in Kyle W. Bagwell and Robert W. Staiger (eds.), Handbook of Commercial Policy, Volume 1B. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, North Holland, 2016, 107-59.
Sjöström, Tomas
- Position: Distinguished Professor of Economics
- Specialty: Game Theory, International Relations, Neuroeconomics
- Location: New Jersey Hall 301C
- Email: tsjostrom@economics.rutgers.edu
- Click for Website
Tomas Sjöström is a Distinguished Professor of Economics at Rutgers. He did his undergraduate studies in Stockholm and received his Ph.D. from the University of Rochester. He taught at Harvard and Penn State before moving to Rutgers in 2004. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and served on the economics Nobel prize committee for 12 years (2007 - 2018). His current interests include theories of conflict and behavioral economics.
Campbell, Colin
- Position: Associate Professor of Economics and Undergraduate Program Director
- Specialty: Microeconomic Theory, Economics of Information
- Location: New Jersey Hall 302
- Phone: 848-932-8642
- Email: campbell@economics.rutgers.edu