Selected Publications
- Aggregation of Expert Opinions, (with D. Gerardi and A. Postlewaite), to appear in Games and Economic Behavior, online version, March, 2008.
- Core Convergence with Asymmetric Information/ (with A. Postlewaite), Games and Economic Behavior, 50, 2005, 58-78.
- Informational Size and Efficient Auctions (with A. Postlewaite), Review of Economic Studies, 71, 2004, 809-8.
- Potential, Consistency and Cost Allocation Prices (with A. Pazgal and W. Sharkey), Mathematics of Operations Research, 29, 2004, 602-623.
- Informational Size and Incentive Compatibility (with A. Postlewaite), Econometrica, 70, 2002, 2421-2454.