
Recommended Prerequisite Coursework

In addition to fulfilling other admissions requirements, successful applicants to the Economics master's program should have completed courses in single variable and multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and  undergraduate statistical methods. At a minimum, a candidate needs to have taken a single variable calculus course and an undergraduate statistics course. 

However, applicants need not have majored in Economics and those who have majored in mathematics, computer science, physics or engineering are encouraged to apply. It is strongly recommended that applicants have taken Intermediate Microeconomics and Intermediate Macroeconomics.

Courses offered at Rutgers University that would satisfy these requirements are listed below.

Single variable calculus: 01:640:135-136 or 01:640:151-152 or 01:640:191-192
Multiple variable calculus: 01:640:251
Linear Algebra: 01:640:250
Statistics: 01:960:211-212 or 01:960:285 or 01:960:401 or 01:960:484
Intermediate Economics: 01:220:320 (Int. Microeconomics) and 01:220:321 (Int. Macroeconomics)