Core Courses for Economics Major
Core Courses for Economics Major
01:220:322 Econometrics (3)
- Credits: 3
- Course Type: Core Courses for Economics Major,
- Minor: Minor in Quantitative Economics
- Certificate: Certificate In Quantitative Economics
- Syllabi: 01220322_SampleSyllabus.pdf
Introduction to the application of statistical methods for the estimation, testing, and prediction of economic relationships. Emphasizes ordinary least squares regression and problems in its application. Extensive use of microcomputers. Special topics may include limited dependent variable models, simultaneous equation methods, and time-series methods. Prerequisites: 01:220:102, 103; 01:960:211 or 285 or equivalent; 01:640:135 or 151. (Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:326.)
01:220:321 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis (3)
- Credits: 3
- Course Type: Core Courses for Economics Major,
- Minor: Minor in Quantitative Economics
- Certificate: Certificate In Quantitative Economics
- Syllabi: 01220321_SampleSyllabus.pdf
Modern and classical theories of income determination, stabilization, and economic growth; emphasis on unemployment and inflation. Prerequisites: 01:220:102, 103; 01:640:135 or 151. (Credit not given for both 01:220:321 and 204).
01:220:320 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis (3)
- Credits: 3
- Course Type: Core Courses for Economics Major,
- Minor: Minor in Quantitative Economics
- Certificate: Certificate In Quantitative Economics
- Syllabi: 01220320_SampleSyllabus.pdf
Households and firms as maximizing agents; implications for demand and supply of goods and productive services in competitive and monopolistic markets; general equilibrium; welfare economics. Prerequisites: 01:220:102; 01:640:135 or 151. (Credit not given for both 01:220:320 and 203).